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2025 Skeet Shoot with Nancy

Skeet Shoot 444 Kenny Clay Rd, Somerville

Join us for 2025 CVAC Charity Skeet Shoot and Bar-B-Que Lunch to Support the Carnegie Visual Arts Center and Nancy Case's Queen Run for Carnegie Carnival 2025!!This event is limited to no more than 10 teams/40 total shooters.$125.00 Donation per shooter. Special Raffles and Prizes...


CANCELLED- North Alabama Battle of the Bands

Priceville Event Center 250 Marco Drive, Decatur

ARE YOU READY TO JAM?! Join us for a day of Community Fun, Vendors, Food Trucks, Silent Auction, and the main event the North Alabama BATTLE OF THE BANDS on Saturday, February 22nd at the Priceville Event Center. Doors open to shop at 10 AM,...

$10 – $25

Brick Deli Spirit Day with Parker

The Brick Deli 112 East Moulton Street, Decatur

Come enjoy a delicious sandwich or salad at the legendary Brick Deli!

Murder Mystery

Banksy Event Venue 719 Bank St NE STE B, Decatur

Join us at Banksy Event Venue (Decatur's newest venue) to support Nancy Case for Carnegie Queen and the Carnegie Visual Arts Center. Tickets must be PURCHASED IN ADVANCE. Once you purchase tickets, you will be given a website to pick your character. It's gonna be...
